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Jurvan Puuseppämuseo

Jurvan Puuseppämuseo is a unique museum specializing in furniture carpentry and woodworking located in Jurva, Kurikka, Finland. The museum showcases objects related to the craftsmanship and woodworking traditions.

The museum is maintained by the Puuseppämuseoyhdistys ry (Carpentry Museum Association), which was established in 1983. The association’s purpose is to collect and preserve Jurva’s craftsmanship and woodworking heritage, organize exhibitions, introduce the carpentry industry to the public, and provide inspiration for the development of the furniture industry. Initially, information and objects were collected, and later on, an empty workshop and residential building owned by the municipality called Parkkamäki became available. The carpentry museum was opened there in the summer of 1990.

The museum is open during the summer, from Wednesday to Friday, from 11:00 to 17:00.

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Museums and exhibitions